Sunday, August 15, 2010

December 31 2007 A New Year

Should I have goals for a new year?  If so, what kind of goals should they be?  For the past many years, I've set no goals, and have gone absolutely nowhere in my life, spiritually, and otherwise.  I, last year, made an unspoken goal to get my life in line with what God wants me to do and be, and while I'm doing better with that, I'm far from meeting this goal.  This is one that I think all of us should be setting every year.  So while I set this goal again, I do it with the knowledge that it will be an ongoing goal that I need to constantly be working toward.

My new spiritual goals this year, along with the one stated above, are going to be mostly about my growth in my relationship with Christ, and what it will mean to my outreach to others.  I believe that without a continual growth in relationship to Christ, I will be no good to other people.  My biggest goal in this area for 2008 is to spend time with Him, even if it's just a few minutes, every day.  I also want to start to really study His word, with the original languages, on a regular basis.  Not just when I feel like doing it.  Maybe not every day, but at least weekly, spending as much time as I need on each topic, or scripture to get a better picture of what God is telling me through His word.  I am going to start praying for, not just myself, but others on a regular basis, not just when I feel myself getting down and depressed, but daily.  I want to be a light to others, and I want others to see, not me, but, a reflection of Jesus, when they look at me.  As I grow in these areas I hope to be able to help others.  I want to be so full of Him and His love that it overflows and spills out to others.

My goals for life and family would be:  I want to trust God with my marriage, and with my kids.  He knows what He is doing.  I want to be working in a permanent position doing what I love doing most, working with children,  either as an Educational Assistant for the school district or in some other capacity.  I want to be a strong advocate for my kids both at home and elsewhere.   I want to be a strong person who doesn't back down when I know I need to stick to my convictions.  I will lose at least 5 more pounds, and I will keep with my exercise plan, and better eating habits so that I never gain the weight back.

I know that I may not meet all of these goals this year, but that doesn't mean that I've failed.  It's like an IEP(individual education plan) in the schools.  You keep working on it until you've reached it.  There is no such thing as failure.  If I have to keep working on any of these after this year, then that's what I will do.  With God's help I will meet every goal, in His timing.

Yes, I think that setting goals are important, and I think they are the key to spiritual, and personal growth.  Have you made your goals for the new year yet?  What are you waiting for?   Start today.  Set some goals and watch what God does with you. 

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